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I Loved This Game 10/10 

One of the best game I have ever played. Amazing!


This game was just beautiful.

was an interesting game.i get allot from it but hopefully someone can break it down

This was a well made short and sweet adventure. Thanks for making it!


I found this game really interesting although it lacks the horror element it is still pretty cool 

keep it up I am looking forward to your new games


cool small game keep up the good work!

nice game bruh


Hi, a quite good game. The little horror element was on point.

really built it up, liked it and the pixelated theme added to the vibe. keep it up

definetly the vibe i want to get into a horror game!


I really enjoyed this game. It had simple mechanics, but the unnerving feeling along with it made it truly creepy. It was a crazy train.
Deleted post

Please tell me how or where I can get this god like soundtrack at the end of the game when the door opens to freedom. I would die for a name or file of this ending soundtrack.



One word:


this is incredible i love it so much and ity got so scary at one point


Amazing art-style, pure love!

(1 edit) (+1)

Wait, there is no any Jojo reference?


yeah, he using spin that jojo reference from part 7

I'd insert a McDonald's joke here but Nah bro, no one would get it.

Very good game ! NICE 

A charming short game. Really liked the style too.

i loved it<3

this is so good and i had so much fun but i wish if it wasn't short

I loved the game the honestly it would be a awesome full game


boyfriend arm dc2 model


This game is fun.

Thought this was fantastic. Very unsettling and really fun to play through, if a little short.

You can see my playthrough at the 20:50 mark below.

Please keep up the great work.

thats pretty coo

Thanks a lot for sharing the source code! I am learning and they are really useful. Thank you!


When it comes to games of this style, I usually enjoy a good story telling and the interactions with others that come with it; this game had a good pace at the beginning with each of the interactable characters, but ended up failing to give a satisfying ending that coherently added everything together. 

The first half of this game sees you running around, talking to each of the other passengers of the train. There's a homeless man, a retiring detective, a little girl, a sickly woman, and an older man. At first glance, the game seems to play out as a euphemism for passing on to the afterlife. The issue with this is that as you progress through the game, you end up almost falling victim to a spider monster in one of the train carts. You escape with the help of the sickly woman, and the game ends with you waking up in another train (presumably in the real world). While this strange story might've ended neatly in the written version, this game seems to miss that mark and just kind of ends.

All in all, this is an open-ended game that leaves a little too much to interpretation with too much going on in the game that it's tough to really say what the point of it was. I'd recommend checking it out (about a 5 minute runtime) and see what kind of interpretation others come up with

My playthrough:


Dude made a whole essay about the game lol


an amazing game

I hope that the developers are working on a part 2


(1 edit) (-1)

what an amazing, cool, fun, and stylized game!! i loved every second of it and wished it was a little longer! good job. i post daily content just like this so if you love pro edited reaction compilations to all games come show some love. please enjoy love yall!!


What a amazing game we need a sequel! 


Pretty solid. Good atmosphere - made me want more. Hope you keep it up on other projects, or even expand on this idea more!

(1 edit)

Loved the game! It inspired me a lot


The Ending was like: "Adios."


(1 edit) (+1)

I need more of this game. The little girl gave me sus vibes the entire time I was playing this game. I loved the characters! It was a fun short experience.It is the second game in this video.

Why not link the actual video? Sounds like a RickRoll, don't trust in this guy...

Incredibly enjoyable, good atmosphere, and still told a good story that could give you a few impressions of where he was going. Very good job, enjoyed it a ton!
Looking forward to seeing what else you make!

Is This The Final Stop? - Last Train Home 

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